2850 Parent • Warren MI 48092 • 586.558.3292 •
General Norms
The academic year begins on or about September 15th, and terminates on July 1st. It is divided into trimesters, the first lasting from Sept. 15th to Christmas inclusive, the second lasting from Christmas to Easter inclusive, and the third lasting from Easter to July 1st.
Levels of Study
The Seminary program consists of seven years of study after the student has achieved a high school diploma. The years are thus designated, in ascending order: First Philosophy, Second Philosophy, Third Philosophy, First Theology, Second Theology, Third Theology, Fourth Theology.
Academic Reports
At the beginning of each trimester, each seminarian shall receive an academic report for every course which he has taken in the previous trimester. A certificate of academic achievement shall also be awarded to those who successfully have completed the course, and attained at least a “D” grade.
to Sacred Orders
In order to be promoted to tonsure or sacred orders, the seminarian must maintain at least a “C” average. Furthermore, the seminarian must successfully complete all of the courses contained herein, unless specifically termed “optional”, before he can be ordained to the priesthood. The seminarian is not eligible for ordination to the priesthood until Ember Saturday of Advent (December) in his Fourth Theology year, at the earliest. If he should be ordained at this time, he would still be obliged to complete the academic year of Fourth Theology.
The seminarian must maintain a course load of at least 12 credits per trimester.
Course Descriptions
On philosophy in general. On the existence and causes of philosophy.
Logica Minor: Comprises the precepts and rules which regard the three operations of the mind, namely the simple apprehension, the judgment, and reasoning. Concepts. Analogy. Transcendentals and universals. The Antepredicaments. The Predicaments. The Postpredicaments. On signs and terms. On definition and division. The nature of the judgment. The proposition. The properties of propositions. The syllogism. The rules, the matter and the form of the syllogism. The reduction of the modes. The finding of the middle term. The division of the syllogism.
Logica Major: Comprises the content of the three operations of the mind. The universals, and the diverse systems concerning the universals: nominalism and empiricism, false realism, and moderate realism. The nature of truth. Skepticism. The methodic doubt. The criterion of truth. The first principles of reason. The supreme criterion of truth. Demonstration, its nature and division. Probable argumentation. The sophistic syllogism. Induction. Science, its notion, object and division. The coordination of the sciences. Method in philosophy. Method of disputing in scholastic debates.
Textbook: Hugon. Cursus Philosophić Thomisticć, vol. I.
Philosophia Naturalis
prima Pars(Cosmologia)
On the principal characteristics of the world. Monism and Pantheism. The origin of the world. Emanationism and Creation. The age of the world and its duration. The first principles of bodies. Atomism. Dynamism. Hylemorphism. Prime matter and substantial form. The natural compositum. The properties of bodies. Quantity. Continuum. Place. Space and Vacuum. Duration. Time. The qualities of bodies. The principle of the individuation of bodies. Nature, Motion. Art. Violence. The laws of nature. Miracles. The purpose of nature.
Hours: 60
Textbook: Hugon. Cursus Philosophić Thomisticć, Vol. II.
Philosophia Naturalis
secunda Pars (PSYCHOLOGIA)
The philosophical notion of life. The finality of life and its grades. Organicism. Spontaneous generation. Animism. The powers and operations of the vegetative soul. The sensitive soul. The human soul. The simplicity of the human soul. The spirituality of the human soul. The incorruptibility and immortality of the human soul. The origin of human souls. The nature of the union of the soul with the body. The unity of the human soul. How the soul is in the body. When the human soul is infused into the body. The faculties of the human soul, and the specifying principle of these faculties. The division of the faculties, and their order and properties. The internal and external senses. Sensation. The appetites of the soul in general. The passions. The locomotive faculty. The vocal faculty. Sleep and dreams. Hypnotism. Hallucination.
Hours: 45
Textbook: Hugon. Cursus Philosophić Thomisticć, Vol. II
Introduction to Metaphysics. The notion and nature of the intellect. The nature and existence of ideas. Innatism. Transcendentalism. Ontologism. Empiricism. The scholastic system. How the phantasms come together to produce the species intelligibilis. The relationship of the agent intellect and the passive intellect. The nature and necessity of the verbum mentale. The object of the intellect. The cognition of singular things. How the soul knows itself. The cognition of suprasensible objects. How separated souls know things. The nature of the will. Free will. The indifference which is required for the liberty of the will. The object of the intellect. Whether the will is more perfect than the intellect. How the will moves other faculties. The acts of the will with the order to the acts of the intellect. Emotions. The impediments to the will. The helps of the will.
Hours: 60
Textbook: Hugon. Cursus Philosophić Thomisticć, Vol. III.
The nature of being. The concept of being. Potency. Act and its relationship to potency. The notion and properties of essences. On the foundation of essences. The distinction between essence and existence. The transcendental properties of being. Unity and what is opposed to unity. Transcendental truth. Falsehood. Transcendental goodness. Evil. The Beautiful. Perfection. Necessary and contingent being. Finite and infinite being. Simple and composed being. Mutable and immutable being. Other properties of being. The objective value of the properties of being. The division of being into the ten predicaments. The notion of substance. The division and properties of substance. Whether substances exist in the world. On the suppositum and person. Nature and division of accident. The distinction of accidents and their separability from substance. Modal accident. Quality. Habits. Relation, its division and properties. The objective reality of relations. Relativism. Causes. The notion of principle and cause. The division of cause. The comparison of the causes with themselves and with their effect. The concept of cause and its objective value. The principles of causality and sufficient reason. The material and formal causes. The exemplary cause. The efficient cause. The instrumental cause. The final cause. The existence of the final cause and its effects. Order. Fortune. Chance. Fate.
Hours: 100
Textbook: Hugon. Cursus Philosophić Thomisticć, Vol. III.
The end and purpose of human actions. The ultimate end of man. The nature of the ultimate end of human life. Human acts considered in themselves. The voluntarium. Law, its nature and divisions. The nature of law and the legislator. The eternal law. The natural law. The positive law. The law of nations. Right and duty. The duties of man towards God. The duties and rights of man toward himself. The duties of men toward others. The domestic society. Marriage. The duties and rights of each of the members of the family. Civil Society. Authority. Legislative Power. Executive Power. Judicial power. The rights and duties of subjects with regard to political power. The diverse forms of government. The rights and duties of nations toward one another. The nature and justification of war. On religious society in general. The Catholic Church. Ecclesiastical power. The mutual relationship between Church and State. Political atheism. Liberty of Conscience. Freedom of religion. Freedom of speech.
Hours: 45
Textbook: Zigliara. Summa Philosophica, Vol. III.
The teaching of the Catholic Church concerning God’s existence and His nature, and the knowledge that we can have about Him with the light of natural reason. The possibility of proving the existence of God. Objections of the Empiricists, Nominalists, and Kant. The ontological validity of the first ideas and the first principles of reason. Objections of the Idealists. The transcendental validity of the first ideas and first principles of reason. The proofs of the existence of God. What formally constitutes the Divine Nature according to our imperfect mode of knowing it. The derivation of the divine attribute from self-subsisting being. The formal existence of the divine attributes and the identification in the eminence of the Deity. Special antinomies relating to Freedom. God’s Ineffability. Modernism and Agnosticism.
Hours: 60
Textbook: Gredt. Elementa Philosophiae Aristotelico-Thomisticae.
A brief examination of nearly every philosophical system from the Greeks to the Existentialists. Pre-Socratic philosophy. The Socratic period. Plato. Aristotle. Post-Aristotelian philosophy. Pre-medieval influences: St. Augustine, Pseudo-Dionysius Boethius. The Carolingian Renaissance. The tenth, eleventh and twelfth centuries: St. Anselm, Hugh of St. Victor. Islamic and Jewish Philosophy. The thirteenth century: St. Bonaventure, St. Albert the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas, Scotus. The fourteenth century: Ockham. The philosophy of the Renaissance. Scholasticism of the Renaissance: Suarez. Descartes. Malebranche. Spinoza. Leibniz. Hobbes. Locke. Berkeley. Hume. Eighteenth century French philosophers: Montesquieu, the Encyclopedists, Rousseau. Eighteenth century German philosophers: Wolff. The rise of the philosophy of history: Bossuet, Voltaire. Immanuel Kant. Post-Kantian Idealism: Fichte, Schelling, Hegel. The reaction against metaphysical Idealism: Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard. Later movements of thought: Haeckel, Pragmatism, the revival of Thomism, Nietzsche. British empiricism: Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Darwin, Huxley, Positivism, Spencer. The Idealist movement in Great Britain. Idealism in America: Emerson and Transcendentalism. The Pragmatist Movement: C.S. Pierce, William James, John Dewey. The revolt against Idealism: Bertrand Russell. Nineteenth century French philosophy: Comte, De Maistre, De Bonald, Lamennais, Traditionalism. Karl Marx. Henri Bergson. Blondel. Thomism in France: Mercier, Garrigou-Lagrange, Maritain, Gilson, Maréchal. Teilhard de Chardin. Gabriel Marcel. Existentialism: Sartre. Phenomenology: Merleau-Ponty.
Hours: 60
Textbook: Copleston, Frederick, S.J. A History of Philosophy.
Introduction to Sacred Theology. Introduction to Fundamental Theology and Apologetics. The method of Apologetics. The notion, possibility, necessity and discernibility of Revelation. The definition of Revelation. The notion of mystery and dogma. The notion of supernaturalness. Rationalism and naturalism. Evolutionism. Agnosticism. Positive defense of the possibility of Revelation. Proof of the existence of the supernatural order. On the act of faith with regard to credibility. The notion of credibility and its necessity with regard to the act of faith. The demonstrability of credibility from the motives of credibility. The value of the motives of credibility. Miracles. Prophecy. The existence of Revelation. The historical authority of the four gospels. The testimony of Christ concerning His divine mission. The testimony of Christ concerning the mysteries to be believed and the precepts to be observed. The testimony of Christ concerning the institution of the Church for the purpose of infallibly proposing Revelation. The credibility of the testimony of Christ. The fulfillment of human aspirations as a motive of credibility of the Catholic Faith. The sublimity of Christian doctrine as a motive of credibility of the Catholic Faith. The wonderful life of the Church as a motive of credibility. The confirmation of the testimony of Christ by miracles and prophecies. Comparison of Christianity with the Mosaic religion and with other religions. Judaism. Buddhism. Islam. The duty to accept divine Revelation, proposed by the Catholic Church. Indifferentism. Liberalism. The duty of individuals to accept divine Revelation. Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus. The duty of society to accept divine Revelation.
Hours: 120
Textbook: Garrigou-Lagrange. De Revelatione. Vols. I & II
The institution of the Church. The constitution of the Church. The ecclesiastical hierarchy. The government of the Church. The qualities of the Church. The Church as a perfect and free society. The four marks of the Church: oneness, holiness, catholicity and apostolicity. Infallibility and indefectibility. The Church’s magisterium. The Church’s power. The relationship between Church and State. Councils. The primacy of St. Peter. The primacy of the Roman Pontiff. Sacred Scripture. The Interpretation of Sacred Scripture. Tradition. The Fathers of the Church. The authority of theologians. The authority of reason, philosophy and human history.
Hours: 100
Textbook: De Groot. Summa Apologetica de Ecclesia Catholica.
The existence of God. Proofs from reason. The essence and attributes of God in general. The simplicity of God. The perfection of God. On the good in general. The goodness of God. The infinity of God. The immensity of God. The immutability of God. The eternity of God. The unity of God. The vision of God. The knowledge of God. The life of God. The will of God. The providence of God. Predestination. Reprobation. The power of God.
Hours: 75
Textbook: St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologiae. Ia qq. 1-26.
Hugon. Tractatus Dogmatici. Vol. I.
Garrigou-Lagrange. De Deo Uno
The existence of the Most Holy Trinity. The divine processions in general and in particular. The procession of the Son. The procession of the Holy Ghost. The divine relations. The divine relations compared to the persons. The divine subsistences. The divine notions. The equality of the divine persons. The mission of the divine persons. The mystery of the Holy Trinity with regard to human reason.
Hours: 60
Textbook: St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologiae. Ia qq. 27-43.
Hugon. Tractatus Dogmatici. Vol. I.
Garrigou-Lagrange. de Deo Trino et Creatore
The creation of things. The conservation and government of the world. The fashioning of the world. The Mosaic cosmogony. Evolutionism. The nature of man. The origin of man. The elevation of the first parents to the supernatural order. The existence of original sin. The existence of angels. The nature of angels. The intellect and will of angels. The grace and glory of angels. The illumination and locution of angels. The mission of angels to men. The bad angels.
Hours: 60
Textbook: St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologiae. Ia qq. 44-119
Hugon. Tractatus Dogmatici. Vol. I.
Garrigou-Lagrange. de Deo Trino et Creatore.
The notion and divisions of grace. The necessity of actual grace for acts that are ethically good. The necessity of grace for salutary works. Sufficient and efficacious grace in general. Actual sufficient grace. Efficacious grace and its influence on free will. Errors concerning the influence of efficacious grace on the will. Catholic systems regarding the reconciliation of efficacious grace and free will. Molinism. Congruism. The Sorbonne School. The Augustinians. Scotism. Thomism. Habitual grace. The cause of grace. The formal effects of sanctifying grace. The justification of the sinner. Merit. The object of merit de condigno. The object of merit de congruo. The reviviscence of merits.
Hours: 60
Textbook: St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologiae. Ia IIae qq. 109-114.
Hugon. Tractatus Dogmatici. Vol. I.
Garrigou-Lagrange. De Gratia Christi.
The notion, possibility, suitability, necessity and existence of the incarnation of the Word. The nature of the incarnation of the Word. The assuming Person. The nature able to be assumed by the Word. The nature assumed by the Word. The order of assumption. The grace of Christ as man. The grace of Christ, as He is Head of the Church. The human knowledge of Christ. The scientia beata of the soul of Christ. The infused knowledge of the soul of Christ. The acquired knowledge of the soul of Christ. The power of the soul of Christ. The defects of the body assumed by the Son of God. Whether there were defects in the soul of Christ. The communication of idioms. The unity of Christ with regard to esse. The twofold will and operation of Christ. Concerning Christ as He is the Son of God, The servitude of Christ. The predestination of Christ. The adoration of Christ and the veneration of saints and of sacred images. The Holy Eucharist. The Sacred Heart The Blessed Virgin Mary. The Cross of Christ. Soteriology. Christ as Redeemer. The triple role of Christ as priest, prophet, and king. The sacrifice of Christ. The merit of Christ. The satisfaction of Christ. The Redemption of Christ. The life of Christ. The passion of Christ. The death of Christ. The exaltation of Christ. Mariology. The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Holiness of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The divine maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. The duties of the Blessed Virgin Mary towards men.
Hours: 120
Textbook: St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologiae. IIIa qq. 1-59
Hugon. Tractatus Dogmatici. Vol. II.
Garrigou-Lagrange. De Christo Salvatore
The sacraments in general. The essence and parts of the sacraments. The matter and form of the sacraments. The necessity and existence of the sacraments. The efficacy of the sacraments. The character of the sacraments. The author of the sacraments of the New Law. The minister of the sacraments. The subject of the sacraments. Baptism. The existence and parts of baptism. The minister of baptism. The subject of baptism. The effects of baptism. The necessity of baptism. The Sacrament of Confirmation. The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. The true and real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. The manner in which Christ is present in the Eucharist. The eucharistic accidents. The Eucharist as a Sacrament. The matter of the sacrament of the Eucharist. The form of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The effects of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The necessity of the sacrament of the Eucharist. The minister of the Eucharist. The subject of the Eucharist. The Eucharist as a sacrifice. The Sacrament of Penance. The Existence of the Sacrament of Penance. The matter of the Sacrament of Penance. Contrition. Confession. Sacramental satisfaction. The form, absolution, and minister of the Sacrament of Penance. The necessity and repeatability of the Sacrament of Penance. The effects of the Sacrament of Penance. Indulgences. The Sacrament of Extreme Unction. The Sacrament of Holy Orders. The Sacrament of Matrimony. Matrimony as it is a duty of nature. The existence of the Sacrament of Matrimony. The essence of the Sacrament of Matrimony. The minister and subject of the Sacrament of Matrimony. The effects of the Sacrament of Matrimony. The power of the Church with regard to Matrimony.
Hours: 90
Textbook: St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologiae IIIa qq. 60-90; Suppl. qq. 1-68
Hugon. Tractatus Dogmatici. Vol. III.
The death of man. The particular judgement. Hell. Purgatory. Paradise. The end of the world. The resurrection from the dead. The universal judgement.
Hours: 15
Textbooks: St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologiae. Suppl. qq. 69-99 :
Hugon. Tractatus Dogmatici. Vol. III.
Moral Theology
Introduction to Moral Theology. The ultimate end of man or beatitude. Human acts in themselves. The voluntarium. Violence. Fear. Concupiscence. Ignorance. The morality of human acts in general. The object, circumstances, and end of human acts. Supernatural merit of human acts. The human conscience. Laws. Law in general. The eternal law. The natural law. Civil and human law. Divine law. Ecclesiastical law. Sin. The essence of sin. The distinctions of sins. The gravity of sins. The subject of sin. The causes of sin. Ignorance. Passion. Malice. The seven capital sins. The effects of sin. The virtues. Habits in general. The acquired virtues. The infused virtues. The theological virtues.
Hours: 120
Textbook: Merkelbach. Summa Theologić Moralis. Vol. 1.
Divine faith. The object of faith. The act of faith. The habit of faith. The vices and sins opposed to faith. The precept of faith. Divine hope. The object and act of hope. The habit and subject of hope. The sins opposed to hope. The precept of hope. Charity. The essence of charity. The excellence of charity. The object of charity. The acts of charity. The sins opposed to charity. The precepts of charity.
Hours: 60
Textbook: Merkelbach. Summa Theologić Moralis. Vol. 1.
The cardinal virtue of prudence, its parts, and the sins opposed to it. The virtues connected to prudence in the formation of the conscience. The certitude of conscience and the manner of arriving at certitude. The cardinal virtue of justice. Right. Possession. Dominion. Injustice. The divisions of justice. Legal justice. Commutative justice. Restitution. Stealing. Contracts. Renting and Leasing. Loans. Insurance. Lotteries. Stock Market speculation. Mortgages. Monopolies. Distributive justice. The virtues connected to justice. Religion. Vows. sacrifice. Adoration. Oaths. Superstition. Idolatry. Perjury. Sacrilege. Simony. Piety and Observance. The duties of children toward parents, and of parents towards children. The duties of spouses toward each other. Obedience and disobedience. Truth. Violation of secrets. Lying. Mental Reservation. Gratitude and Ingratitude. Generosity. Affability. The cardinal virtue of fortitude. Martyrdom. Vices opposed to fortitude. Virtues connected to fortitude. Magnanimity. Magnificence. Patience and long-suffering. Perseverance and constancy. The cardinal virtue of temperance. Temperance in general. Vices opposed to temperance. Fasting and abstinence. Sobriety and drunkenness. Chastity and purity. Lust. Sins of lust, Immodesty. Virtues connected to Temperance. Continency. Clemency. Mildness. Humility. Pride. Modesty.
Hours: 150
Textbook: Merkelbach. Summa Theologić Moralis. Vol. II.
The sacraments in general. The essence of a sacrament. Matter and form. The necessity of sacraments. The effects of sacraments. Sacramental grace. Character. The cause of sacraments. The number of sacraments. Sacramentals. Baptism: matter, form, effects, minister and subject. Confirmation: matter, form, effects, minister and subject. The Holy Eucharist. The essence of the Eucharist. Matter and form. The Body and Blood of Christ. The effects of the Holy Eucharist. The Sacrifice of the Eucharist. The matter of the sacrifice. The minister. The purpose and effects of the sacrifice. The precepts concerning the celebration of Mass. Penance. The virtue of Penance. The sacrament of Penance. Matter and Form. Necessity. The effects of Penance. The parts of Penance. Contrition. Confession. Satisfaction. The minister of Penance. The power of orders. The power of jurisdiction. The duties of the minister. The subject of Penance. The rite of Penance. Extreme Unction. Minister, Subject and effects of Extreme Unction. The Apostolic Benediction. Holy Orders. Minister, subject and effects of Holy Orders. Matrimony. Matrimony as a duty of nature. The ends of marriage. The essence of Marriage. Matrimony as a Sacrament. Matrimonial consent. Properties of Matrimony. Indissolubility. Unity. The celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony. The impediments of Matrimony. The obligations of the spouses.
Hours: 150
Textbook: Merkelbach. Summa Theologić Moralis. Vol. III.
Theologia ascetica et Mystica
Tract I: The Sources of the Interior Life and its End. The life of grace. The interior life and intimate conversation with God. The spiritual organism. The Blessed Trinity present in us. The Influence of Christ the Redeemer on His Mystical Body. The influence of Mary Mediatrix. The growth of the life of grace by merit, prayer and the sacraments. The nature of Christian perfection. The grandeur of Christian perfection and the beatitudes. Perfection and heroic virtue. Full Christian perfection and the passive purifications. Perfection and the precept of the love of God. Perfection and the Evangelical Counsels. The special obligation of the priest and the religious to tend to perfection. The three ages of the spiritual life according to the Fathers and the great spiritual writers. Spiritual reading of Scripture, and of the works and the lives of the saints. Spiritual direction.
Tract II: The Purification of the Soul in Beginners. The spiritual age of beginners. Practical naturalism and mortification according to the Gospel. Mortification according to St. Paul and the reason for its necessity. Sins to be avoided: their roots and their consequences. The predominant fault. Passions to be regulated. The active purification of the senses or of the sensible appetites. The active purification of the imagination and the memory. The active purification of the intellect. The active purification of the will. The healing of pride. The healing of spiritual sloth. Sacramental confession. Assistance at Mass. Holy Communion. The prayer of petition. Liturgical prayer. The mental prayer of beginners. How to attain to the life of prayer and persevere in it Retarded souls.
Tract III: The Illuminative Way of Proficients. The language of the spiritual writers in comparison to that of the theologians. The entrance into the illuminative way. The second conversion. The passive purification of the senses and the entrance into the illuminative way. Conduct to be observed in the night of the senses. The spiritual age of proficients: spiritual characteristics. The spiritual edifice in proficients. Prudence and the interior life. The different forms of justice and the education of the will. Patience and meekness. The value of chastity and its spiritual fruitfulness. The humility of proficients. The humility of the word made flesh and what ours should be. The spirit of poverty. The grandeur of obedience. Simplicity and uprightness. The spirit of faith and its progress. Confidence in God: its certitude. The love of conformity to the divine will. Fraternal charity: radiation of the love of God. Zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. Docility to the Holy Ghost. The discerning of spirits. The Sacrifice of the Mass and proficients. The communion of proficients. Devotion to Mary in proficients. The universal accessibility of the mysticism of the Imitation of Christ. Contemplative prayer. The errors of the Quietists in contemplation and pure love. The degrees of contemplative prayer in proficients. Questions relative to infused contemplation. The new elements in infused prayer. The agreement and differences between St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross.
Tract IV: The Unitive Way of the Perfect. The entrance into the unitive way through the night of the spirit. The necessity of the passive purification of the spirit and the prelude of the unitive way. Description of the passive purification of the spirit. The cause of the passive purification of the spirit. The transluminous obscurity. Conduct to be observed during the purification of the spirit. The effects of the passive purification of the spirit in relation especially to the three theological virtues. The spiritual age of the perfect: their union with God. A form of perfect life: the way of spiritual childhood. The heroic degree of the virtues in general. Heroic and contemplative faith. Heroic hope and abandonment. Heroic charity. The heroic degree of the Christian moral virtues. The love of Jesus Crucified and of Mary in the unitive way. The forms and degrees of the unitive life. Perfect apostolic life and contemplation. The life of reparation. The influence of the Holy Ghost in the perfect soul. Arid mystical union and ecstatic mystical union according to St. Teresa. The transforming union, prelude of the union of heaven
Tract V: Extraordinary Graces. Charisms or graces gratis datć. Divine revelations and visions. Supernatural words and divine touches. Stigmatization and suggestion. Differences between extraordinary divine facts and morbid phenomena. Diabolical phenomena
Hours: 90
Textbook: Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. Reginald. The Three Ages of the Spiritual Life.
Pastoral Theology
Tract I: The Sacraments. The Sacraments in General. The Sacraments in particular. Baptism: rites; subject; minister; requisites; sponsors. Confirmation: nature and object; requisites. The Holy Eucharist: center of Catholic worship; the Holy Hour; Tabernacle; Sacred Vestments; renewal of Species; Forty hours; Exposition; Benediction; Holy Communion; First Communion; the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; preparation for Mass; Mass stipends; Binating; Vespers; church music. Penance: essence and importance; different offices of the confessor; confessions of different classes of penitents; confessions of nuns; confessions of priests and clerics; confessions of pious penitents; confessions of scrupulous penitents; confession of habitual and relapsing sinners; confessions of penitents living in proximate occasions of sin; confessions of persons who belong to forbidden societies; general confessions. Extreme Unction: pastoral visits to the sick and dying; the last rites; preparation for death; Christian burial. Holy Orders: sacerdotal vocations. Matrimony: nature and importance; instruction before marriage; the banns; mixed marriages. The Sacramentals: general principles; church bells; Stations of the Cross.
Tract II: Pastoral Administration Temporal matters: organization of parishes; the management of temporalities. Parochial schools: management. Spiritual Direction: parish societies; confraternities; pastoral care of individuals; political and social relations of the clergy; missions; the priest’s private life. Appendix: how to deal with converts.
Hours: 45
Textbook: Schulze, Rev. Frederick, D.D. A Manual of Pastoral Theology.
Sacred Scripture
Revelation and its criteria. Divine Inspiration. Protestant criterion of inspiration. Catholic criterion of inspiration. Encyclical Providentissimus Deus. Various systems and theories concerning divine inspiration. Refutation of modernist systems. Extent of inspiration. Verbal inspiration. The Canon of Sacred Scripture. The Canon of the Old Testament. Esdras and his influence. The Alexandrian Canon. The Canon of the Church. The Canon of the Fourth Century. Canon of the Old Testament from the sixth to twelfth centuries. Canon from the thirteenth century to the Council of Trent. The decree of the Council of Trent. The Canon of the New Testament. Apocryphal and lost books of both Testaments. Text. The Hebrew text of the Old Testament. The Greek Text of the Old Testament. The Greek Text of the New Testament. The uncial codices. The Septuagint and its versions. The versions derived from the Septuagint. The ancient versions. The Vulgate. The authorization of the Vulgate. The correction of the Vulgate. Modern English versions of Scripture. The Interpretation of Sacred Scripture.
Hours: 75
Textbook: Breen. A General Introduction to Holy Scripture.
Reading of the sacred text with commentary furnished by Cornelius ŕ Lapide
Hours: Various, according to the book or books selected.
Textbook: Cornelius ŕ Lapide. Commentaria in Scripturam Sacram.
C a n o n L a w
Jus Canonicum
I: General Norms. Ecclesiastical laws. Rules of interpretation. Epikeia. Research methods. Custom. Other norms. II: Persons. Clergy rights and duties. Ecclesiastical offices. Ordinary & delegated power. The Holy See. Bishops and dioceses. Religious institutes. The Laity. Other norms. III: Things. Churches. Altars. Ecclesiastical burial. Feasts, fast and abstinence. Eucharistic reservation. Sacred images, relics & furnishings. Vows and oaths. Preaching, seminaries, schools. Profession of faith. Benefices. Ecclesiastical property. Other norms. IV. Procedural Law. Overview. V. Crimes and Penalties. General concepts. Interpretation. Effects. Subject. Censures. Penalties for individual crimes.
Hours: 90
Textbook: Abbo & Hanon, The Sacred Canons, Volumes I, II.
jus sacramentarium
I. General Norms. Preliminary notions. Matter and form, Minister. Recipient. II. Baptism. Nature. Minister. Recipient. Sponsors. Register. Churching. Reception of Converts. III. Confirmation. Nature. Minister. Recipient. Sponsor. Time and place. IV. Holy Eucharist as Sacrament. Notion. Matter. Form. Union of matter and form. Minister. Subject as recipient. Eucharistic fast. Obligation to receive. Distribution of Holy Communion. Custody. Holy Eucharist as Sacrifice. Celebrant. Conditions. Application of Mass. V. Penance. Notion. Matter. Form. Minister. Recipient. Relation of minister to penitent. VI Extreme Unction. Nature. Minister. Recipient. Conditional and repeated administration. Ceremonies. Apostolic blessing. Indulgences and prayers for the dying. VII. Holy Orders. Notion. Division. Minister. Tonsure. Porter. Lector. Exorcist. Acolyte. Subdeacon. Deacon. Priest. Enjoined prayers. Time and place. Recipient. Other requisites. Recording. Irregularities and impediments. Obligations. VIII. Matrimony. Notion. Division. Sacrament. Authority. Properties. Form. Liturgical Form. Time and place. Registration. Investigation. Impediments. Dispensations. Validation. Dissolution. Separation. Civil divorce. Conjugal act. Duties of spouses.
Hours: 90
Textbook: Halligan. The Administration of the Sacraments.
S a c r e d L i t u r g y
In Sacram Liturgiam
Liturgy as Sacred Science. Purpose. Regulation. Books, sources of Missal and other rites, liturgical law. Liturgical Words and Actions. Language of Mass, Latin, Trent, modernist legislation. Scripture, liturgical formulae, sacramental actions, ritual gestures. History of the Mass. First centuries, development of Roman Mass, classical period, spread of Roman Rite, Gallican influence, Low Mass, derived rites, Trent, later revisions until Pius X. Setting of Liturgy. Private houses, basilicas, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Revival, post-War/1950s, post-Vatican II. Symbolism of styles. Altar. Adjuncts. Canopy. Crucifix, Candles, Lamps. Cloths & Frontals. Altar Furniture. Sanctuary. Font & Baptistery. Porch. Pulpit. Sacred Vessels. Vestments. Ceremonial Accessories. Organ & Choir. Liturgical Year.
Hours: 40.
Textbook: Anson, Churches: Their Plan and Furnishing.
De Ritibus Liturgicis In Specie
The Mass. History and commentary on each of its successive component rites and prayers. The Divine Office. History: early centuries, development of Roman Office, modern Roman Office. Content & spirit of particular hours: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, Compline. Elements of Office: Psalms, distribution of Psalms, Old Testament canticles, antiphons, responsories, Scripture, Patristic lessons, historical lessons, chapters, introductions, hymns, Athanasian Creed, Gospel canticles, Te Deum, introductory prayers, concluding prayers. The Sacraments. Overview of rites. Greater Sacramentals. Devotions.
Hours: 40.
Textbook: Gihr. Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
De Liturgia Aetatis Modernae
Roots of the New Mass. The Liturgical Movement. Historical background, early 20th century, World War II, post-war, Mediator Dei, Bugnini’s Commission for Reform, Memoria for Reform, the Liturgical Movement in the 1950s. Pre-Vatican-II Liturgical Changes. New Psalter, “Restored” Easter Vigil, Reduction of Rubrics, 1955 Holy Week, Bugnini’s assessment, consultation on the Breviary, Instruction on Sacred Music, John XXIII’s changes. Vatican II’s Liturgy Constitution. Preparatory commission, approval by council, 33 noteworthy points. Pre-1969 Changes in Mass. Consilium, Motu proprio, First Instruction, first changes in Order of Mass, communion under both kinds, Second Instruction, new Eucharistic Prayers. Part Two: The Mass of Paul VI. Background. Study Group 10. The 1969 General Instruction. Nature. Definition of Mass. Sacrifice, meal, memorial. Presence of Christ. “Institution Narrative.” Who offers the Mass? President of the Assembly. Liturgy, law, pluralism. The 1970 General Instruction. Background. Foreword. Changes in the Instruction. Problems which remain. Revisions overall. Setting and Material Requisites. Introduction. Mass facing the people. Sanctuary and its furnishings. Tabernacle. Statues. Side altars. Sacred vessels. Vestments. Summaries. The Ordo Missae of Paul. Preparatory Rites. Liturgy of Word. Liturgy of Eucharist. Concluding Rites. The Orations in the New Missal. Origins. Negative theology. Detachment from world. The departed. Ecumenism. Merits of the saints. Miracles. The New Lectionary. History. “Difficult” texts.
Hours: 40.
Textbooks: Bonneterre. The Liturgical Movement.
Documents on the Liturgy.
The Ottaviani Intervention.
Missale Romanum 2002
Cekada. Problems with the Prayers of the Modern Mass.
De Rubricis Missalis Romani
General Rubrics of Missal. Liturgical Law. The Calendar. Votive Masses. Requiem Masses. Variable parts of Mass. Defects in celebration. Material requisites. Celebration of Low Mass. Voice. Liturgical gesture. Preparation. Rubrics of Low Mass in sequence. Renewal of hosts. Purification, Faults. Administration of Communion. Special forms. Celebration of High Mass. Holy Water, Asperges. General rules. Incensation. Pax. Music. Choir ceremonies. Rubrics of Solemn Mass in sequence. Special forms. Missa Cantata. Sung Low Mass. Priest’s chants of the Mass.
Hours: 40.
Textbook: J. O’Connell. The Celebration of Mass.
Exercitatio Rubricarum
Supervised rehearsals of rubrics of the Mass, and the other sacraments.
Hours: Variable.
Textbooks: J. O’Connell, Celebration of Mass.
A. Fortescue, Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described.
De Psalterio Liturgico
General Introduction. The Psalter in Scripture. Forms of the Psalms. Versions of Psalter. Distribution of the psalms throughout the week in the Divine Office. Peculiarities in the Latin of the Vulgate Psalter. Nouns. Verbs, verbal constructions. Adverbs, adverbial phrases. Prepositions. Adjectives, adjectival forms. Miscellaneous: reduplications, oaths, interrogatives. Various terms for “lex.” Translation and exegesis of individual Psalms. Historical context for each. Explanation of difficult passages and special vocabulary. Student translation line-by-line of psalms and canticles in the order in which they appear in the Roman Breviary.
Hours: 80
Textbooks: Callan, The Psalms with Introductions, Critical Notes and Spiritual Reflections.
Fillion, The New Psalter of the Roman Breviary.
Britt. Dictionary of the Psalter.
Church History
De Ecclesia Primitiva
From the pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle to that of St. Simplicius (A.D. 476)
Hours: 90
Textbook: Darras. A General History of the Catholic Church. Volume I.
De Medio Aevo
From the pontificate of St. Simplicius (A.D. 476) to that of Gregory V (999).
Hours: 90
Textbook: Darras. A General History of the Catholic Church. Volume II.
De Aetate Moderna I
From the pontificate of Sylvester II (999) to that of Julius II (1513).
Hours: 90
Textbook: Darras. A General History of the Catholic Church. Volume III.
De Aetate Moderna II
From the pontificate of Leo X (1513) to the present.
Hours: 90
Textbook: Darras. A General History of the Catholic Church. Volume IV.
Supplementary materials as needed to cover 1865 to the present.
First Tract: Homiletics. The teaching office. Selection of matter for preaching. Development of matter: appeal to the intellect. Development of matter: appeal to the affections and will. Arrangement of sermon matter. Style and delivery. Divisions of sermons according to their subject matter. Divisions of sermons according to form. Division of sermons according to occasions. Preparation for preaching.
Second Tract: Catechetics. Preliminary notions. The subject matter of catechetics. Disposition of catechetical matter. Form and method of catechetical instruction. Catechetical argumentation Influence upon the heart and will of the catechumens. Catechetical language. Modes of catechetical address. Catechetical education. The instruction of converts.
Hours: 45
Textbook: Schuech, Rev. Ignaz. A Manual of Homiletics and Catechetics.
A thorough course in the fundamentals of Latin grammar.
Hours: 90
Textbook: Bennett. First Year Latin.
An introduction to Latin prose composition.
Hours: 90
Textbook: North and Hillard. Latin Prose Composition.
Advanced Latin prose composition, and readings from the Church Fathers.
Hours: 90
Textbook: Bradley’s Arnold. Latin Prose Composition. (Available from Seminary).
The heads of classical Greek grammar.
Hours: 90
Textbook: Hillard and Botting. A Primer of Greek Grammar.
An introduction to Greek prose composition.
Hours: 90
Textbook: North and Hillard. Greek Prose Composition.
Readings in Plato, Thucydides, Polybius, Aristotle, Aeschylus, Sophocles and other classical Greek authors. Advanced study of Greek style and vocabulary.
Hours: 90
Textbook: Various texts according to the author and work studied.
A remedial course providing a basic but thorough study of the rules of English grammar, punctuation, and writing skills.
Hours: 45
Textbook: Michael P. Kammer, S.J., et al. Correct Writing. Loyola University Press.
A general survey of ancient times, from the creation of Adam and Eve until the fall of the Roman Empire. The Prehistoric Age. The Ancient Egyptians. The Phoenicians. The Hebrews, or Israelites. The Chaldeans, Assyrians, and Babylonians. The Medo-Persian Empire. Greece and Macedonia. Ancient Rome.
Hours: 45
Textbook: Vuibert, Rev. A.J.B. Ancient History. (Available from Seminary).
A summary of events from the fall of the Roman Empire to the beginning of the fourteenth century. The Teutonic invasions. The Invaders of Italy. Islam. The Franks, the Lombards and the Holy See. Church and State. The Carolingians. The Northmen. The making of Germany and the rise of the Empire. The exodus of the Normans. Lay Investiture. The Greek Empire and Schism. The Crusades. The Invasion of the Mongols. The later Crusades. Boniface VIII and Philip IV.
Hours: 45
Textbook: Guggenberger A., S.J., A General History of the Christian Era. Volume I.
A summary of the events from the Great Western Schism to the death of Louis XIV. The Great Western Schism. The Hundred Years’ War and the War of the Roses. The Consolidation of the European monarchies. General character of the period. The Age of Charles V. The Protestant Revolution in England and Scotland. Protestant Revolution and Catholic revival. The Huguenot wars in France. Philip II, Mary Stuart and Elisabeth. The Thirty Years’ War. The Puritan Revolution. The Age of Louis XIV.
Hours: 45
Textbook: Guggenberger A., S.J., A General History of the Christian Era. Volume II.
A summary of the events from the accession of Louis XV to the present. The Hanoverian succession in England. The making of Russia. Maria Theresa and Frederick II. The colonies of North America. The Seven Years’ War. The Division of Poland. Causes of the political and social revolution of the eighteenth century. The American war of independence. The French Revolution. The era of Napoleon. Catholic emancipation in Great Britain. The revolutions of 1830 and 1848 in France and elsewhere. The revolution of the cabinets. The civil war in the United States and its causes. Colonialism. World War I. Versailles and the League of Nations. Rise of socialism, nazism and communism. World War II. The Cold War. Contemporary events.
Hours: 75
Textbook: Guggenberger A., S.J., A General History of the Christian Era. Volume III. Supplementary materials for twentieth century history.